The Websets, Backgrounds & Gifs I have designed myself.

I did not design the original graphics and I claim no rights to any of the original graphics, themselves, which I have gotten from various sources, which I believe are "Free Domain".

I have merely merged the graphics together with my imagination to design the graphics which I have to offer you.

For the original graphics I would like to send a

"Great Big"

to all the people who have very graciously offered their graphics to the internet world to use.

If any of the images used here are copyrighted, I do apologize. I assure you that it was un-intentional on my part as I always look to see if I am permitted to use the graphics.

But I am only human and I do make mistakes now & then.

If you are the "Original" artist of the graphic, please email me and I will gladly remove it or I will be more than happy to give you the acknowledgement that you well deserve.

I do not profit from any of my graphics & I would hope that none of these graphics are to be used for profit by anyone else.